PL 9, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto
Ota yhteyttä
Ota yhteyttä
Muut yhteystiedot
Ukrainian Studies
The 2014 Ukraine Crisis: Origins and Outcomes -course will examine five major facets of the Ukraine crisis:
- the Euromaidan protests
- the annexation of Crimea
- the war in the Donbass
- Ukraine in US/Russia relations and Ukraine/EU relations
- the roots of the conflict and its domestic outcomes.
Registration for the course begins on 19.8.2015 at 10.00. The course begins on September 1st.
- More information and registration for course in the study programme.
Ongoing crisis in Ukraine has unveiled a number of important problems that exists in relations between Russia, Ukraine and the EU. The course Political and geopolitical dimensions in the EU-Ukraine-Russia triangle presents the key themes that concern political and geopolitical dimensions in the EU-Ukraine-Russia triangle of relations.
The course begins on 19.1.2016.
- More information in the study programme.
Both courses will be carried out in co-operation with the Aleksanteri Institute and the Department of Modern Languages. The language of instruction is English.
Ukraina-opintojen esittely
Kysy oppiaineesta
Ilmoittautuminen syksyn opintoihin alkaa 18.8.
Avoimen yliopiston opintotarjonta uudessa opetushaussa
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Opinnot 2015–2016 -esite